Saturday, December 24, 2011

Gingrich, Perry, Bachmann, Santorum, Huntsman, ALL Excluded from Virgiania Primary

What a terrible turn of events. Gingrich was the frontrunner among likely Republican voters in Virginia by five points. Most of the Republican field failed to get the required 10,000 signatures to get on Virginia's primary ballot, which includes a minimum of 400 signatures from 11 congressional districts.

I don't get it. I can hardly believe it. This is a serous blow to those looking for the anti-Romney. Excepting Paul supporters, which I'm sure are celebrating the news this morning.

"It's elemental. It's the fundamental thing you do," said Karl Rove in a Fox News interview Saturday morning.

Announced yesterday:

Huntsman, Bachmann, Santorum will not be on Virginia primary ballot