Friday, January 20, 2012

Captain Obama Abandons the Ship (Updated)

"You've abandoned the ship?"

"No. No. What Abandon? I'm here. On the golf course. I'm coordinating the rescue. It is only a technical difficulty."

The killing of the Keystone Pipeline aptly illustrates Obama's lack of commitment to the welfare of this nation. He is a liar and a coward who will be court martialed in November.

Update 1/30/2012

I was ahead of the curve on this one, for sure (by 10 days.) Obviously, I'm in agreement.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus critized President Barack Obama, comparing him to "the captain that fled the ship in Italy, that's our own president who is fleeing the American people."

"Wasserman Schultz: Priebus ‘crossed the line’ comparing Obama to Costa Concordia captain"


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